NTU ADM admissions!

So, I've decided to apply for the school of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University and here are some of the assignments that i have to submit for my application haha. Hopefully i'm accepted :)

This parrot was done in watercolour paint

This is done in pencil.

This storyboard was for a short story i was supposed to write as part of the assignment haha.

here it is:

The morning air shook violently, as shrill screams saturated the atmosphere and panic permeated deeply into the hearts of the New Yorkers. The devil himself, it seemed, had been released to unleash a certain premature apocalypse to a city perched on top of the world. The destruction, the mayhem, the pandemonium: they made him smile. Thousands fled, through smoke and ash, hoping to evade the impending doom awaiting the struck towers.

The twin sisters soon exhaust their strength, tumbling to the ground like fatigued athletes. For a spilt second, the world held it's breath as the deafening silence was heard for miles. Everything came to a standstill as the gravity of the disaster soon dawned upon the masses. The iconic twin towers, the symbols of economic and political stability, have been reduced to rubble, scattered and strewn across the business district. It heralded a new age: an age of ceaseless trepidation where terrorism returned with full vengeance.

In utter disbelief, Emma watched the live broadcast as the evil unfolded and smoke swallowed the scene, obscuring the scars left behind by the attack on the World Trade Centre.