Alice: Madness Returns

Here's a little fan art of this game i REALLY love but I sadly don't have. LOL. It's called "Alice: Madness Returns" and is a dark twisted version of Lewis Carroll's classic tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This game is also a sequel to the original twisted Alice game called "American Mcgee's Alice, which came out in 2001, if I'm not wrong. "Alice: Madness Returns" came out last year and I wish someone would actually get it for me. HAHA.

By the way, this was a pen sketch on paper that was coloured in Photoshop :)

Sorry for the really boring background! ><

In Memory of...

Hey guys, here is a little tribute I made in remembrance of the earthquake that hit Japan one year ago on 11 March 2011.

Twisted Anastasia

Another twisted attempt to ruin the image of your childhood! ;) Adapted from the movie "Anastasia" by Don Bluth.


Here's an excerpt from "Nostalgia", a comic inspired by a narrative that my O Level English tuition teacher wrote :)
"The decoupage of old theatre and advertising posters masked its familiar russet brick walls. A blackboard stood by its entrance, with house specialties ranging from authentic Auvergne sausage with potato and cheese puree to ravioli with basil butter, bearing every tell-tale sign that Bistro Augustins no longer existed."
Paris, France – a quaint city with picturesque scenery rich in remarkable culture and history. Here, 52-year-old Angelika Abendroth, a former cabaret dancer in the 1970s, returns to the place she had held so dear during the height of her glamourous career and fame. However, her Paris was no more; ruthlessly replaced by the sights and sounds that marred the beauty of her treasured past.

Mysterious Ruins

Just a drawing that I did quite a while ago... On a journey to worlds unknown :)

Gluttony: coursework appetiser

Hey, this is just a colour pencil drawing of some cupcakes. :) I intend to include it in my A Level coursework, titled Sinful. In my coursework, I will be exploring the seven cardinal sins of man. (Hope my teacher accepts my ideas.)